Age: 15
Country: sweden
Male/Female: male elementalix
Class: mage
Talents/respecc for raids?: arcane/frost
Proffesions: tailoring / enchanting.
Gear: just started playing here will get all possible pvp gear as soon as possible.
How many hours online per day: 3-7 on weekdays and whole days on the weekends.
Fire: 8
Nature: 8
Shadow: 18
Pre-TBC PvE experience: MC/Onyxia/ZG/aq20/aq40/
Why are you interested to join?: Becous I want to stay on this realm and play pre-tbc raids and pvp with new friends, and when doing that I donīt want to be in a kid guild doing crappy pugs.
I want to be in a very serious guild doing this for real as it would be on blizz.
I know my class very good and I played it pre-bc. Thanks for your time.